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== Changing Folders == = Changing Folders =
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== Changing Groups == = Changing Groups =

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Folders and Groups

Folders and groups define the basic permissions structure used for granting users access to transactions, documents and tasks.

All documents and tasks in DrawMGT belong to a folder, and can optionally belong to a group. The folders and groups form a two-level hierarchy:

  • Folders
    • Groups

The folders and groups define:

  • Who is able to view the documents and tasks; via user roles assigned to folders and groups.
  • The range of some of the engineering classifiers (primarily locations and work-types).

The folders-group combination can also, depending on your system configuration, determine the allowed document types and their workflows.

Access to documents, revisions and tasks depends on you having user roles (described in the next chapter) that allow you to access, and optionally, update them. The roles are granted on a folder basis, meaning that you must explicitly have a role in a folder in order to perform operations and view data in that folder.

Changing Folders

When you use DrawMGT you are always working with in a particular folder (which is displayed in the the upper right corner) and by default you only see documents, revisions and tasks that below to that folder. This means that if you want to view information in another folder you must change folders.

To change folders, use the left-hand menu item Folder, and select the desired folder name, The sub-menu items lists the folders that you are allowed to access. Note that the documents and tasks in your baskets, and the recently viewed items are maintained, so that you can (indirectly) view items in multiple folders simultaneously.

Changing Groups

To change groups, you use the left-hand menu item Group, and select the desired group. The available list of groups is based on the current folder, and can be different between different folders.

Unless you are creating documents, you do not need to be too concerned with your current group. The current group is mainly used indirectly by the system in granting you access to view and update data. When you create a document the current group is used to determine the default document type and types of documents that can be created.

FoldersGroups (last edited 2010-01-05 07:02:47 by softxs)

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