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System Configuration

Some configuration information can be updated using the left-hand menu item Administration - Configure. You must have the administrator role in order to change the system configuration data.

When you click on the configure link you are presented with two lists of reference data tables:

  1. Tables that can be changed by the site administrator
  2. Tables that can only be changed by SoftXS support personnel.

To edit configuration data, click on the table name. You will be presented with a list the records in the reference data table. In the left-hand column there is typically an ID column populated with the internal ID values used by the DrawMGT server, you can generally ignore these values.

Each record has links for:

At the bottom of the screen is a New button for adding new records.

You update or create a new reference data table record, you will be presented with a screen where you can enter the code, name and description values:

SystemConfiguration (last edited 2010-01-11 08:46:39 by softxs)