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Users and User Roles

DrawMGT maintains a list of users, which all users can view. The user list contains the names of all users, including their contact information. You can send emails to other DrawMGT users by clicking on the email addresses in the user lists and detail pages.

The DrawMGT user list can serve as the project's phone and contact list.

To find users use the left-hand menu item Users - Search. The search will produce a list of users matching your search criterion.

User Details

You can view all information about a user by clicking on the links on the user's first or last name. The user detail screen contains the following blocks:

You can directly view your user details by clicking on your login name in the right-hand part of the header.

If your own user roles allow it you can create new users, update users, (re-)set user passwords and assign user roles. The links to perform these operations are in the left-hand menu and at the bottom of the user list and detail screens.

User Roles

You can update user roles from the user detail screen. The Update Roles button presents a screen that lists all the roles and groups in the current folder. You can assign a roles for a particular group or for all groups in the folder.

User roles for transactions and viewing data:

If you roles prohibit you from viewing certain tasks, but you are able to view document details, you are still able to see the task list summary in the document detail list, but you will not be able to click to see the task detail.

If you roles prohibit you from viewing documents, you can still see document names in document lists and detail screens, but you will be unable to view the actual documents.

The exact transactions that the dirrerent roles are able to perform can be viewer using the left-hand menu item Administration - Transaction Profiles. Basically, anyone with a document production role (e.g. PM, LE, etc. and the workflow roles) and create and update documents in the folders and groups for which they have these roles.

The left-hand menu and the buttons change, depending on your roles. Generally menu items and buttons for transactions that you are not allowed to perform are not displayed.

User roles for submittal recipients:

User roles for task subscribers depend on the task types. See your site configuration guide.

Note that updating roles only applies to the current folder. If you need to update roles for a different folder, you must change folders first.

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