Zurück 8. Bereiche und Arbeitsgruppen -- Nach Oben Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Weiter 10. Systemkonfiguration

9. User Roles

User Roles are the mechanism used to control a user’s access to the transactions and data stored in the DrawMGT system.

In order to view, enter and update data a user must have the appropriate roles. A user role gives a user the permission to run transactions, e.g. commands initiated by the system menus and screen buttons, on system data, e.g. data stored in folders (Bereiche) and groups (Gruppe). In other words, user roles define permissions, linking users, transactions and system data.

Users typically have multiple user roles, which reflect their actual responsibilities on a project. For example, a user may have view roles for some folders and groups, where they merely need access to documents for information purposes, and new/update roles, for areas of the project where they produce documents.

In a large project with many users and folders, the number of user roles can get quite large and their management can be a challenge. In many projects, it is critical to ensure that certain documents are protected and are available only to a restricted set of users. DrawMGT provides a convenient reporting mechanism that lets you verify who has access to transactions and system data based on the project area, e.g. folders and groups.

User Role Levels

User roles can be assigned at the system, folder or group level. If a role is assigned at the:

In all cases, permissions are granted based on the folder/group of the user roles and the folder/group of the data, taking into account user roles at the system and folder level. The algorithm for determining if permission is granted to access data is:

  1. Determine the role required for the transaction about to be performed
  2. Check if the user has the system-level access for the role

    • if yes, grant permission

    • if no, continue with the next check

  3. Check if the user has the folder-level access for the role for the folder associated with the data

    • if yes, grant permission

    • if no, continue with the next check

  4. Check if the user has the group-level access for the roles for the folder and group associated with the data

    • if yes, grant permission

    • if no, continue with the next check

  5. Deny permission

User Role Classes

User role types are divided into classes. The user roles for each class are listed and defined in the following sections.

Administration Roles

The Site Administrator user role is assigned to the users that manage the system users and user roles. The following transactions are unique to the Site Administrator role:

Document/Revision Management and Viewing Roles

Note that placing a revision in a submittal automatically makes it accessible to users with the Document Restricted Viewer user role, once the submittal has been transmitted.

Warning: For security reasons, the Document Restricted Viewer role takes precedence over the other document/revision user roles. This means that if a Document Restricted Viewer role is assigned to a user with the Document Creator/Updater or the Site Administrator user role, then that user will no longer have permissions to create and update documents and revisions.

Document/Revision Workflow Roles

The document/revision workflow roles are all associated with performing workflow steps for revisions. The workflow for a revision is a sequence of workflow steps, which must be completed in order. The sequence of workflow steps is:

All the workflow steps, with the exception of the submit workflow step, are performed in the revision detail screen. A workflow step role includes the ability to complete and also to update the step, provided that no subsequent workflow steps have been completed.

The roles differ only in the workflow step that can be performed:

To complete a workflow step, following data must be entered:

Task Management and Viewing Roles

Warning: For security reasons, the Task Restricted Viewer role takes precedence over the other task user roles. This means that if a Task Restricted Viewer role is assigned to a user with the Task Creator/Updater role, then that user will no longer have the permissions to create and update tasks.

Security Exception tasks can be used to make it possible for users to view revisions that their user roles do not normally allow them to view. See section X: Security Exception Tasks.

Task Subscriber Roles

Task Subscriber user roles, do not actually define permissions to access and update data, but rather define the default list of users added to a task when it is first created. The list of Task Subscriber user roles is based on the list of task types, with an addition of a Task Subscriber All role. The list of task types depends on the system configuration and is typically different for each project.

See section X: Task Management for description of how task subscription works and the conditions under which emails are sent to task subscribers.

Submittal Management Role

Note that the Submittal/Transmittal Creator/Updater user role does not allow a user to transmit a submittal. The permission is granted with the Document Submitter user role, described above.

Submittal Recipient Roles

Submittal Recipient user roles, do not actually define permissions to access and update data, but rather define the recipients for submittals. There are three types of submittal recipients:

See section X: Managing Submittals for a complete description of how to create and transmit submittals.

User Management

Image: User list including a normal user, test user, disabled user, user with disabled login

Image: User detail screen

Add the following points:

* User enabled (Benutzer freigegeben) – The user is enabled, meaning that the user appears in all user menus and system generated emails will be sent to the user. Users should be disabled when they are no longer associated with the project. Disabled users are:

User Role Management

Creating User Role Reports

Users with the Site Administrator user role can create user role reports, which are tables of user roles. An example is show below:

Image: Example: part of user role list

The user role report lists users, by folder, group and company in the vertically and user roles horizontally. In the main part of the table an ‘X’ is displayed if the role has been assigned for the given user and role. If you place your mouse over the ‘X’, floating text appears, indicating the user, company and user role.

Image: Example: small part of user role list – showing hover text

It is also possible to expand and collapse each folder’s section.

Image: Example: small part of user role list – expand/collapse check boxes

As the number of user roles can be overwhelming, it is possible to display subsets of the user roles based on selections from the following categories:

The user role search screen allows you to make a selection of one, multiple or all items in each category.

Image: Example: user role search screen

Downloading User Role Metadata

To be completed

Updating User Roles

To be competed – or reference to existing documentation

BenutzernBenutzerRollen (last edited 2010-08-08 13:39:26 by 46-126-153-166)

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