Release Notes
- Release Notes
- 2009-09-14 - V11.2 Extensions - Minor Patch Release
- 2009-03-08 - V11.2 - Enhancements Release
- 2008-07-01 - V11.1 - Enhancements Release
- 2007-11-10 - V11.0 - Major Enhancements Release
- 2006-08-05 - V9.1 - Enhancements Release
- 2006-04-25 - V9.0 Extensions - Minor Patch Release
- 2006-02-25 - V9.0 - Major Enhancements Release
- 2005-06-02 - V8.1 Extensions - Minor Patch Release
- 2005-04-23 - V8.1 - Enhancements Release
- 2005-03-18 - V8 - Major Enhancements Release
- 2004-05-18 - V7.2 - Enhancements Release
- 2004-04-20 - V7.1 - Enhancements Release
- 2004-04-05 - V7 - Major Enhancements Release
- 2003-09-21 - V6.2 - Patch Release
- 2003-09-18 - V6.1 - Patch Release
- 2003-09-08 - V6 - Patch Release
- 2003-09-04 - V5 - Test Candidate Release
- 2003-08-11 - V4 - Major Enhancements Release
- 2003-07-11 - V3 - Major Enhancements Release
- 2003-06-04 - V2 - Major Enhancements Release
2009-09-14 - V11.2 Extensions - Minor Patch Release
- Documents and Revisions
- Improved source and publish file name processing
- Classification
- Moved Classification Status field to Classification block
- Negative chainage values allowed
- Contract specific classification fields can be system wide
- Search by Classification Status field
- Users
- Added fields: Address-1, Address-2, Address-3
- User Roles
- All contract roles
- General and Internal Updates
- Updates for PHP5 compatibility
- Updates for site customization of classification fields
2009-03-08 - V11.2 - Enhancements Release
- Submittals
- New submittal type: Document Transmittals to non-DrawMGT users
- Improved layout in detail screen
- New field: Submittal plan date
- Document
- New workflows :
- D - Design
- DAA - Design, Approve
- DCAAS - Design, Approve, Approve, Submit
- R - Receive
- RAA - Receive, Approve, Approve
- RCAS - Receive, Check, Approve, Submit
- RCAAS - Receive, Check, Approve, Approve, Submit
- New workflows :
- Tasks
- Comment/task notes now sorted in reverse cronological order.
- New workflow fields:
- Start date and start plan date
- Check field with plan/complete dates
- Approver-1 and Approver-2 fields with plan/complete dates and status
- Complete plan date
- New fields for risk items:
- hazard
- technical impact
- time impact
- Users
- New field: Email-2 - For storing permanent (non-project) email addresses
- Users Role Administration
- Administrators with all contract administration rights can manage all contract user roles.
- Reference data administration: Site administrator can now update:
- Project phases
- Work categories
2008-07-01 - V11.1 - Enhancements Release
- General Improvements:
- Improved user password policy.
- A new Task Basket.
- New Items.
- User profile layout with links to user details.
- Free text document planned title one and revision title one.
- Improved security against SQL injection attacks.
- Marking of required fields.
- Validation fail highlighting.
- Document Viewer role.
- Multi-Language:
- User interface language selection.
- Log messages now displayed in the site language.
- Current support for English, French and German.
- Additional document workflows.
- Additional Approver role.
- Multiple approver workflow stages.
- Handling of superseded revisions for all workflow types.
2007-11-10 - V11.0 - Major Enhancements Release
- General Improvements:
- Column widths and formats standardized.
- Improved use of CSS, styles, table formatting and screen colors.
- Improved print screen format.
- Logout no longer requires confirmation.
- Detail screens divided into main, classification and work flow sections.
- Replacement of confirmation screens with preview/save buttons.
- New user roles: Site administrator, document receiver.
- Javascript:
- Expand/Collapse buttons for main screen page header.
- Expand/Collapse buttons for main menu.
- Expand/Collapse buttons on most form components.
- Menus:
- Improved (simplified) menu layout.
- Dynamic display of menu items based on user roles.
- Hover over text for menu items and abbreviations in lists/detail screens.
- Documents and Revisions:
- Contract, Group and Document type determine document code format
- Automatic default values based on Contract, Group and Document Type.
- New fields for drawings: author, abstract.
- Ability to classify documents by elevation from/to.
- Group classification moved from Revisions to Drawings.
- Support for automatic, sequentially numbered, document codes.
- Text based search for document title, document codes, etc.
- New document work flows: Vendor (receive/approve), Controlled Document (approve), Uncontrolled Document (no work flow).
- Download history.
- Support for publish files.
- Document and Document Basket Lists:
- New list formats: Document, Receive Approve.
- New fields: classification status, work category, project phase.
- Ability to set a report title.
- Set received transaction for vendor/shop drawings.
- Restore obsolete document.
- Improved validation of set designed, approved, received, etc.
- Metadata Uploader:
- Symbolic values (as opposed to ID values) accepted by uploader.
- Metadata uploader still accepts files in the V9.1 format.
- Tasks and Comments:
- Improved search, including text search, and search by classification fields.
- Ability to classify tasks/comments by discipline and elevation from/to.
- Ability to view document/revision detail from task detail screen.
- Ability to obsolete/restore tasks/comments.
- Ability to obsolete/restore tasks/comment notes.
- Ability to set a report title.
- Submittals
- Ability to have customized logos in submittal transmittal letters
- Improved validation of submittal search screen.
- Administration Functions:
- Site administrators can now create/update new locations, work types, etc.
- Site administrators can now create and configure new contracts.
- Internal Updates:
- New validation processor.
- New drawing code processor.
- All user readable text now stored in message catalogs, to ease translation into other languages.
- Improved database consistency test, based on new validation engine.
- Ability to have site specific form/field validation.
- Improved memory management in Metadata Uploader.
- Security Updates:
- Improved cross contract role checking.
- Improved protection from SQL-injection attacks.
- Improved protection from CGI-hacking attacks.
2006-08-05 - V9.1 - Enhancements Release
- Documents and Revisions:
- Documents and revisions are now displayed using colors that reflect their approval and completion status.
- New document list Classification, which displays document/revision classification information (location, work type, chainage, elevation, etc.).
- Drawings can now contain the sheet number.
- Ability to classify documents by chainage from/to.
- Ability to classify documents by elevation.
- Ability to search for documents using chainage to/from and elevation.
- Metadata download now includes workFlowTypeId
- New document type Inspection Report
- Comments:
- Paged comment list.
- Comment ID includes includes comment type.
- Comments can be displayed in long and short forms.
- Certain comment updates now cause email messages to be generated and sent to comment subscribers.
- Search for almost due and over due comments.
- Improved default sort order for comment lists. Newer and more urgent comments are generally appear near the top of the comment list.
- Priority colored according to priority
- Due date fields colored according to to nearness of due date.
- Comment notes colored according to comment note type.
- Ability to classify comments by chainage from/to.
- Ability to classify comments by elevation.
- Ability to search for comments using chainage to/from and elevation.
- Ability to set the issue date of a comment note.
- Comment notes can update update.
- Comment 'Ref. No.' field renamed 'External Key'.
- General Documents:
- Implemented management of general uncontrolled documents and their revisions.
- Users:
- Users with no login name are displayed in gray.
- Email address is now a required field.
- Comment subscriber roles added.
- General Improvements:
- Most 'Done' buttons and screens have been eliminated, and have been replaced with 'Save' and 'Preview' buttons.
- Main menu simplified and reorganized.
- Ability to save and restore the Recently View list.
- Ability to have non-numeric locations and work types.
- Internal Updates:
- Improved title and color handling.
- Ability to have alternate file formats for submittal transmission forms and ZIP files.
- Improved database consistency tests.
- Numerous minor bug fixes.
2006-04-25 - V9.0 Extensions - Minor Patch Release
- Download ZIP file from documents basket.
2006-02-25 - V9.0 - Major Enhancements Release
- Improved Document and Document Basket Lists:
- Lists are no longer limited to 200 documents/revisions.
- Improved performance when changing pages in a document list
- Printable and display format allows lists of virtually any length (While testing we successfully generated lists of over 6000 entries)
- Moved revision 'view' button in screen reports
- New Function:
- List recently viewed items (with links to display item details and ability to add recently view items to document basket)
- List new items for current contract
- Submittals
- Submittal search
- Recent submittals menu item
- New submittal type 'Drawing notification'
- Added link to submittal detail in submittal email
- Submittal transmission form and e-mails now generated from templates.
- Documents and Revisions
- Ability to set document type (drawing, design report, etc.)
- Ability to upload and download non-PDF files (including AutoCAD DWF files)
- Drawing view: eliminated confirmation screen for non-obsolete and non-superseded revisions.
- New classification fields: alignment name and chainage
- Minor column changes to reports
- Improved display of drawing titles in reports
- Drawing detail now displays in color based on comment status
- Added 'Add to Drawing Basket' button to drawing detail screen.
- Complete Dates validated separately from Planned Dates (planned dates can now be in the future or past)
- Comments
- New classification fields: alignment name and chainage
- Quick comment search now allows search for items requiring action
- Quick comment search now allows search by comment ID
- Comment status now displays in color based on comment status
- New administrator functions and reports
- Drawing report: Lists drawings by contract/category/status
- Comment report: Lists comments by contract/type/status
- Retrieve all revisions from FTP site for a submittal
- Retrieve all revisions from FTP site for a specific revision
- Rebuild submittal ZIP file and transmission from
- Retransmit submittal (disabled in current release)
- General Improvements
- Improved display style for print format.
- Improved display using IE6/IE5: Elimination of line wrapping of drawing codes, dates, group names, etc.
- Improved display of buttons
- Improved list and form styles
- Color management in header and menu areas
- New user roles PE-assistant, LE-assistant
- Drop down menus in alphabetical order
- Metadata download with no drawings selected produces a warning.
- Internal Changes
- Improved configuration management
- Improved automation of off-site backup and hot-site maintenance
- Automated off-site log file archiving
- FTP scraper fully integrated into DrawMGT (now under control of the DrawMGT event daemon).
- Numerous minor style and display changes based on testing with IE6
- Correction of minor bugs
- Additional database consistency tests
- Improved security features for preventing illegal access to drawings
Changes you should be aware of:
- New Metadata upload field 'requestorCompanyId'. See Upload File Format for details.
- Icelandic sorting of some lists is inconsistent.
- Error are sometimes caused by session timeout.
= 2005-08-06 - V8.2 - Minor Enhancements Release
- Improved sorting based on the local character set.
- Improved comment search:
- Cross contract search.
- Modified Date.
- Due or complete dates not specified.
- Comments issued etc by anyone but me.
- Comments not assigned, delegated or without subscribers.
- Comments without revisions.
- New comments default to Status "New".
- Revision Approval Status Flag.
- Improved event history for comment and revisions.
- Improved database indexing.
- System statistics sorted by workflow.
Spelling corrections. For example: Superceed -> supersede.
- Paging of Revisions in New Submittal list.
'Changes you should be aware of:
- When creating a new revision you must set the new field Approval Status.
2005-06-02 - V8.1 Extensions - Minor Patch Release
- Comment colour coding.
- Comment detail line wrapping.
- Display submittal date in revision list drawing detail instead of start date.
- Revision title display on revision update.
2005-04-23 - V8.1 - Enhancements Release
- Data model update in support of 'Reason for Issue' for revisions.
- Added View revision link to the revision list in the submittal detail screen.
- Improvements to commenting:
- Ability to link multiple revisions to comments.
- Ability to set priorities, status and other properties to comments.
- Ability to search for comments.
- Users with Administrator privileges can now update locked drawings and revisions.
- Performance enhancements for submittal detail and display of drawing/revision lists.
- Improved database consistency checking.
Changes you should be aware of:
- The Metadata upload file format has been changed. Metadata upload files that worked for DrawMGT V8 will not work for V8. This is because of the addition of a new required Revisions field 'reasonForIssue'. See Upload File Format for details.
2005-03-18 - V8 - Major Enhancements Release
- Support for contractor's/vendor's drawings.
- Multi-contract drawing lists.
- Support for multiple drawing code types based on contract and group.
- Support for alternate drawing codes. Allows for drawings to be identified by a primary drawing and an external (e.g. supplier's) drawing code.
- Drawing, revision, user history. Provides an audit trail, which lists operations performed and who and when they were performed.
- Support for additional drawing designators.
- Drawing PDF re-upload. Allows replacement PDF files to be reloaded into the system.
- Now automatically prompts you to change group when you have not selected a groups and the transaction you are running requires a default group (e.g. creating a revision).
- Improved Metadata upload:
- Free format input based on column headings.
- Now accepts text and/or numeric id values.
- Improved event logging.
- Data model update:
- Support for drawing 'notifications'.
- Support for submittal templates.
- Support for work flows
- Support for multiple document types.
- Numerous bug fixes.
Changes you should be aware of:
- The Metadata upload file format has been changed. The format has been made more flexible. Metadata upload files that worked for DrawMGT V7 will still work for V8 provided a supplier company field is added when creating drawings. See Upload File Format for details.
- It is possible to create drawing lists with drawings from more than one contract. To do so perform a drawing search in one contract and then place the desired drawings in the drawing basket. Then change contract, noting that the drawing basket will not be cleared. Then perform another search and place additional drawings in the drawing basket.
2004-05-18 - V7.2 - Enhancements Release
- Downloadable ZIP files for drawing submittals.
- Drawing search allows ranges of drawing sequence numbers.
- Submittal transmit now requires that all drawing PDF files are present.
- Automatic upload of drawing PDF files from FTP site.
- Bug fix: Consistent display of drawing titles.
- Bug fix: Improved error reporting for uploaded PDF files with invalid names.
- Bug fix: Drawing search validation errors now reported correctly.
2004-04-20 - V7.1 - Enhancements Release
- Printable Format button.
- News page
- Known Issues page
- Size of drawing list, drawing basket and Metadata upload limited to 100 records
- Rollout of PDF upload daemon.
- Bug fix: accents and quotation marks in titles
- Bug fix: display of title3 after validation error
2004-04-05 - V7 - Major Enhancements Release
- Data model update (DB Model v1.25)
- Drawing list: multiple views and sorting
- Submittal transmission form automatically sent via e-mail by background daemon process
- Submittal update and submittal delete
- Revision update via Metadata upload
- Contract permissions list
- User permissions administration
- User list sorting
- Logging of transaction statistics
- Database consistency checking
- Cosmetic improvements in numerous forms and reports
2003-09-21 - V6.2 - Patch Release
- Improvements and fixes to role/transaction authorizations.
- Highlighting of non-submitted revisions
- Various fixes to reported bugs
- Release notes (this list)
2003-09-18 - V6.1 - Patch Release
- Fixed user selects in set design/check/approve transaction
2003-09-08 - V6 - Patch Release
- Production release of V5 Test Candidate with bug fixes
2003-09-04 - V5 - Test Candidate Release
- Transaction authorization
- Restrictions on updating drawings and revisions
- Improved user list
- User profiles display in user detail
- Drawing basket set designed/checked/approved
- Drawing view
- Change contract/group
2003-08-11 - V4 - Major Enhancements Release
- Drawing Search - basic
- Drawing Basket
- Submittal creation and transmission forms (incomplete)
- Metadata upload
- Metadata download
- New Comment
- Comment Display
2003-07-11 - V3 - Major Enhancements Release
- Drawing Search - Basic
- Drawing Detail
- Revision List with Links to Revision Detail
- Revision Detail
- New/Copy Drawing
- New/Copy Revision
2003-06-04 - V2 - Major Enhancements Release
- Drawing List
- Drawing Detail
- User Administration