DrawMGT's main focus is on assisting the collaboration between all members of a project team, including external partners. You can easily provide access to suppliers, partner companies and the owner's organization. This ensures that all parties are working from the same plans, regardless of their physical location or their place in the project's organization.
The following is a list of DrawMGT's major features:
Version/Revision Management - Construction drawings and documents. All file types supported.
Design Management - Tracking planned & complete dates for design, check, approval, submittal.
Task Management - Common construction tasks supported (site queries, punch lists, etc.).
Automatic Document Classification - Based on drawing code values and project specific defaults.
Indexing and Searching - Industry standard and project-specific classification criteria supported.
Lists and Reports - Drawing and task lists. Multiple list formats and sorting.
Drawing Submittals - Automatic delivery of drawings approved for construction.
Multi-Language - English and German versions are currently available. A French version is planned.
Data Import/Export - Bulk upload and download of data.
Secure - Multiple permission levels (user roles) and comprehensive audit trail.
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