DrawMGT Knowledge Market Services SoftXS
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== Services ==

Document Recovery ===
== Services - Document Recovery ==

Services - Document Recovery

Converting Paper Archives into Electronic Form

In addition to our services for organizing electronic documents, SoftXS is also able to recover physical paper archives and convert them into electronic form.

This is useful for maintenance and refurbishment projects, where the original design and engineering documentation is only available in non-electronic form.

Key points:

  • Presenting the recovered documentation in a structured way, so that relevant information can be easily found.
  • Creating electronic document and drawing lists
  • Training staff to assist in the digitizing and organizing process

The end-goal can be a complete recovery of all information, or just the information required to perform the new work. We can work with you in stages where we first prepare electronic documentation and drawing lists, and then digitize specific categories of documents based on your staff's requests.

Next: Services - Numeric Modelling